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Eastern Iowa’s airport business park is ready for takeoff

Ideal Location
The CID SuperPark has 582 acres of commercial land for lease, including

Land in the airport business park is development-ready.

Low Risk
Site-related data and documentation is already completed and available, minimizing developer risk and ramping up speed to market.

Flexible Terms
Nimble governance process for the airport business park land allows for quick decisions and flexibility around terms and incentives.
CID SuperPark Property Map Overview
Access to air, rail and interstate — plus unique opportunities, including Foreign Trade Zone designation — make the airport industrial park an ideal location for business. The SuperPark has more than 500 acres of land, and additional land for lease at the airport campus means 1,300 acres are available for property development.
No Better Location for Business
The Eastern Iowa Airport – CID and the SuperPark are conveniently located in Cedar Rapids, just off Interstate 380. Cedar Rapids, the second-largest city in Iowa, is located in the scenic eastern part of the state. Iowa City is just 20 minutes from the airport and is home to the University of Iowa, one of the state’s largest universities, and University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinic, the state’s only comprehensive academic medical center.

Welcome to CID SuperPark
The SuperPark is the right fit for a multitude of industries. In fact, the airport business park and additional property development areas feature several parcels that can even accommodate large-scale business operations.
Regional economic development agencies, including the City of Cedar Rapids, Cedar Rapids Metro Economic Alliance and Iowa City Area Development Group, have identified target industries for the region. The SuperPark is a great location for these industries to find commercial land for lease:
- Engineering & automation
- Insurance & finance
- Food/bioprocessing
- Educational technology
- Biotech/medical technology
What people are saying
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod temper invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam valuptua. consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur dolore magna dolore magna sadipscing elitr.”
Marty Lenss
Airport Director, Eastern Iowa Airport - CID